Thursday, April 14, 2016

Just random thoughts (:

Wow alright the ups and downs to life never ends but still, life is good because God is good (:

A question in bsf came up yesterday about "Do you love God more than you did before?" and I can honestly and happily say that I have ^^ Definitely feelings wise, my change of heart for ministries and really just being hungry to know more about God has really filled me. And the BEST PART is that I can fall madly in love with Him, seek Him like crazy and know that all is not futile but ETERNAL and FOREVER LOVING. It's just the most awesome truth ever (:

But of course there are still many things I'm still struggling with (which gets frustrating most of the time) such as forgiveness, compassion and grace. Also, being able to stand firm in truth yet reflect the love beneath that and not aggression is not very easy too. I think the time I have now is just wonderful to be able to slowly come to terms with being honest with myself, to be able to reflect and really check the condition of my heart constantly- "God am I glorifying you and reflecting your character in this?"

Well, I think this post is really random but I will have the faith that God is growing me to become someone who is growing towards godliness and Christ-likeness. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Impromptu dates are fun

Today was a good day!
Went to church and spent time with the community I loooooovvveeee (TTAP). And afterwards had a short worship leaders' training and then waffle ice cream date with TTAP and Ryan! Well yep Ryan's now the new worship leader and it's just cool having him around too :D

And of course went out with family to get mattress for our new beds and then shopping haha! It was a good day of just hanging out (which I've not done in a while)

Starting to see how these impromptu meals/tea breaks and hang out sessions are just really enoyable ^^

Friday, April 8, 2016

Lord I come and I repent

Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.


Feeling so terribly burdened by this. There is no fear of God at all. It's plainly thinking that you know better, that your choices are better than what God has already commanded. It's like saying "Because You have given me a choice, and I have yet to experience a personal encounter regarding this issue, I shall choose what my emotions and my own logic says is correct." Such pride...such self-deception!!

Gahh...why did this have to heart's really really burdened. I wanna bury my head in some pillows and just cry.
As a friend I'm frustrated with this yet I know although righteous the anger is, it cannot turn to malice.

Personally I'm struggling with learning how to be kind and compassionate whenever such situations go against God's VERY CLEAR instruction and not be aggressive about it.
[2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses...]

God's Word is meant to protect us, to love us and to keep us.

As a friend I 100% don't approve of this and I know I can never smile at this. But what I know is the best thing I can do is just pray...unceasing prayer is what I'm reminded of today, and I pray with the confidence that God will open eyes and hearts and minds to the truth of His Word.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I felt my heart break a little more tonight.
My three closest guy friends...I felt like I lost them all in a span of 2 years to the world. fragile, broken, filthy and unworthy we humans are. 
Now, prayer is the only balm to my sores 



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