Well recently so many body image stuff are being mentioned or talked about.
Fashion such as skinny jeans, crop tops etc. all require some sort of perceived slim body to look beautiful. Well yes I admit (honestly) that slim girsl do look much better in crop tops and skinny jeans (that's my opinion)
But guess what, I'm not a VS model.
I have always been self conscious about my own body image especially my thighs. I mean really they aren't skinny and neither do I have what some girls call "the thigh gap"
To cut the long story short, beauty and fitness ain't always about looks (because honestly WHEN YOU GROW OLD EVERYTHING IS GONNA CHANGE)
But you know what doesn't change?
Your character
Your personality
Your outlook
Yes...your inner beauty does not. Instead we all mature and try to be the best we can (:
Fitness isn't all about looks but how it makes you FEEL as well. I mean why strive towards short term happiness such as being able to wear clothes that show off too much skin and exercise just to look slim? Trust me, before long that motivation off looking that way will die off especially when we become mums and dads (not saying everyone will be likewise, but probably a majority don't you agree?)
So, striving towards being healthy (just putting in 30mins of workout can be good enough!) feeling good, even exercising with friends and bonding together is so much more enjoyable!
Yup, the fashion of clothes are ever changing and so does the 'popular' body image (I mean a long time ago plump women were the most beautiful haha!)
And just to sum it all up, neither body image is good nor bad. God has made us who we are and it's our job to take care of our bodies, the Holy temple of God.
But strive to be healthy both inside and out.
I've probably just recently started to accept my own body image and structure. But yea that's how it is! ^^