Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year 2016

Prayed and thought of my usual "one word" for 2016 so here it goes.

The one word would the same as last year actually : Love (to be specific, is love that SUSTAINS)

In 2015, I experienced how much love I had in me and how I really expressed it in various areas of my life.

1) The love I experienced in my family and also how God has always been there throughout my alevel period. (look back at my previous post on how God spoke to me halfway through 2015)

2) The overwhelming love I had for Ben. Before everything went downhill of course. Although I feel that all the trust and love he had for me was all a lie, I know in my heart that my love for him was the most true one I've ever shown to anyone, Right now, looking ahead into 2016 I can finally channel all this love to new ministries and ultimately to God.

3) Lastly, I've come to experience the love of my best friends ever really. Bea, Tiffy, Abs, Timo ya'll are amazing, Of course not forgetting Michy who loves me so dearly as well. Such a tough time I had to go through right after alevels and they were there, to just have my back and comfort me etc. writing this makes me tear up honestly.
And of course not forgetting the abundance of love God has given me for animals (specifically shelter dogs). They have given me so much joy (:

Seeing how I would have to start a new job, volunteering at a new dog shelter, leading in WAMM, cell leading for the younger girls (gosh gotta blog more about this soon!!) and all seems daunting. But although much has happened in 2015 they were never burdens to me because I loved and was loved, all because He first loved us. So I want to carry on this "Love that sustains" with me into 2016, knowing that with such  overwhelming love in me I would be able to glorify God's name in many 

SO WHAT SPOKE TO ME at the start of Dec 2015:

Sometimes we lose our focus. 
We can be walking in love all day, going along fine, until someone comes along and offends us. As soon as we forget our focus of love, we stop making progress and come to a standstill- aggravated, upset and offended.

Understand that the mind is a battlefield.
If you don't stop Satan when he gets into your thoughts, you are not going to stop him from getting into your life.
Stay focused.
Ask God to help you remain full of love, no matter what comes your way today.
-Joyce Meyer

This spoke to me shortly after the breakup, and I felt that God is showing me how much more love I have to give to others and not just this one person. My capacity to love should not be sucked dry by one person but should always be overflowing because god's love for me is always abundant.

Though I sound like a hypocrite when I say that I have no drive to actually want to reconcile with Ben/forgive him/even think about it. (at least not right now). My emotions are right now stagnant at a certain state (which can peak anytime), and I don't exactly have plans to deal with them at the moment. It's just always too depressing and painful and emo (which I hate to be) to think about it. All I see are lies, betrayal and more lies everytime.

So, to sum it all up "Love that sustains" is my word.
It is what I know will keep me going in 2016 with so many transitions
It is what I want to glorify God with after he has blessed me with so much love
It is what I want to give to WAMM, cell, dogs, my family and friends.

So, HAPPY 2016 my friends ^^ 
My heart is definitely not 100% settled and sometimes emotions peak and things suck (seriously haha)
But things would still be alright I'm sure because God is here. He is my one and only hope, always faithful. I may be fazed for a little while but there are way too many people out there who needs to experience God's love and I can't just be here mopping anyways (:

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