Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another sweet surprise ^^

Well this is kinda of a late post but sweet nonetheless!

Belle and friends planned a surprise for me just right outside my house hehehe ^^ manz seeing them bringing in a cake and stuff was just so sweet ^^ 
Disappointed friends like Chryston, Berek, Michelle weren't there though...haish :( 
But thanks Belle, Eunice, Amanda, Phil and my darling for being there ^^

Haha not to say all of them had school work to complete when they got home ><

It was a great time having cake together haha! And later when they left my dear  and I went downstairs to my house to have home-cooked pasta (Dear cooked it! Finally fulfilled my wish ^^) and just sat there all the way till 10.30 talking about anything and how exciting it'll be that my parents invited him to our house for CNY! Hehe >< ❤❤❤

Yea I'm 18 years old but I'm still young xP and I really feel my journey has just begun. Growing spiritually, new start of J1 year, growing relationship with my darling and parents! 
God's going to be a part of every single one of them, not gonna compartmentalise cause He's the reason for it all! :D

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