Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mountain of Spices

Oh btw I was reading this in my book and found it super nice xD

Hark to love's triumphant shout!
"Joy is born from pain,
Joy is sorrow inside out,
Grief remade again.

Broken hearts look up and see
This is love's own victory."

Here marred things are made anew,
Filth is here made clean
Here are robes, not rags, for you,
Mirth where tears have been.
Where sin's dreadful power was found,
Grace doth now much more abound.

Hark! such songs of jubilation!
Every creature sings
Great the joy of every nation,
"Love is King of kings.
See ye blind ones! shout, ye dumb!
Joy is sorrow overcome."
I think it's a lovely poem when sorrow and bitter experiences that God gives us,
eventually turns into gladness and joy :)
Think of the hard times you've been through, and how it turned out to be much better! :D

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