Friday, December 30, 2011

Don't take this to heart :)

What is wrong with you?

why do you keep on talking to me about your past?

come on...get over it already ==

Get this in your thick skull.

Everyone is different

what he gave you was special yes...extraordinary-ly special

but you can't expect someone else to be exactly like him can you?

get a grip of yourself...hear yourself lurh ==

Everyone that tries to help you, you compare him/her with him


Yea yea...u can't get over him so whatcha gonna do bout it?

MOVE ON and dun keep on searching for someone who

has the same personality
has the same 'charm' or whatever you call it ._.

has the same....

argh...just STOP trying to find someone else that is similar to him,

cause come on you know...YOU WILL NEVER SUCCEED.

what is ur problem???!!! ==

~talking to myself~

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