Sunday, March 29, 2015

^^ ❤️

Just wanna say I love you my dear Ben ^^ 
Making me smile, making me laugh, being so comfortable with you, and on a journey together with God, drawing closer to Him and really just growing to impact those around us when the time's right (:


New hair? xD

Haha well so after MBTs I was determined to cut my hair like after many months. Buuuuttt....since I've always wanted natural waves in my hair I decided to perm my hair HAHA! 
Yea was kinda apprehensive (as usual whenever I wanna try something new to my hair), was afraid of being some Korean-ish/Crazy old lady if it gets too curly and weird. (I'm quite strongly against Korean styles haha, sorry for those Korean fans out there D:)
Haha thankfully it came out alright, not sure how long these curls would last, but I think when they tone done a little more it'll be nice! Haha xD 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Almost crushed

Feel almost crushed. 
Your actions, your intentions
I can't and don't know how to express it anywhere else. My heart's broken. My hand isn't. Drawing, I guess, helps.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

These feelings are getting annoying

Not feeling very good today :/
Ok really don't know what's the reason seriously. Just feeling like "straight face" mood all day. And it sucks...big time ugh ><
Not sure if it's because of all the studying I'm doing, but I honestly don't think so. I'm not sure what's lacking either, I'm just feeling so dead the whole day for many days since last week. 

Gahh what's wrong with me ><"

Friday, March 13, 2015

Road race 2015

Honestly, never thought that I would have gotten top 10. Wanna thank all my friends who have been there mid way and at the finishing line to cheer me on and congradulating me all the way (: 

Running isn't always your best friend. Heck, at the start sometimes you feel like quiting and just being a bum. 
Running may seem like some physical activity but it trains your mind as well. MIND OVER BODY is what I learnt. Your mind is weak, but your body can actually do so much more. You'll be amazed.
Despite strength isn't always enough. Isaiah 40:31 was going through my head throughout the race; my true source of strength apart from the preparations I've done beforehand.

Well, I never could have been happier clinching 8th position for JC2 Girls Competitive Run today :D beat my personal best and that's great enough!

Can't wait for many more races to come! I should really go for a marathon (5km first) soon (: 


I love you ^^

Haha well the lighting isn't very nice in this photo, and my hair is like so poofy. But darling Ben looks sweet enough ^^ 

Just a random photo after playing random board games at his house and eating with his family that day during Chinese New Year period. 
It's been wonderful, and although we aren't always smiling on the outside, in the inside we both smile the widest when it comes to loving yone another ❤️ ^^ 



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